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GAIC provides manpower, professionals, and skilled workers alike to international contractors and companies. The candidates undergo rigid selection and evaluation procedures making them tailor fit for the job

Candidate Documentation Processing

GAIC ensures full compliance with strict documentation and visa facilitation processes. Our responsibility includes Physical and Psychological Examination, processing of Trave Documents required by the Philippine Government such as POEA Overseas Employment Certificate, OWWA Welfare Fund, and Philhealth memebership. GAIC also provides Site Administration and Payrolling Services (under Manpower Supply Service Contract Only)


GAIC conducts pre-deployment orientation and airport assistance for new employees.

Two Types of Manpower Supply Scheme

Manpower Supply Service Contract

Manpower Supply Service Contract

Under this set-up, GAIC provides manpower to our client for a tailored cost but the workers continue to be employed by us. Our Client pays GAIC a monthly fee per worker for the services of the workers. It is GAIC who pays the salaries of the workers partly to their dependents in the Philippines and partly to the workers themselves at Site.

Plain Recruitment Contract

Plain Recruitment Contract

This type of service is also known as one-time fee contract. Under this scheme, GAIC's scope of responsibilities includes sourcing, recruitment, initial trade testing and pre-qualification/evaluation. Once accepted by the client, each candidate will undergo travel documentation/processing and will be contracted under its client's employment terms. Our client pays us a one-time service fee and salaries and benefits per worker at site.

GAIC's Responsibilities

Sourcing and Recruitment

Trade Testing and Evaluation

Accredited Physical and Psychological Examination

Skills and Language Training Facility

Processing of Travel Documents

Visa Application and Processing

Airport Assistance

How It Works

Recruitment Strategies

  • Nationwide Recruitment Centers
  • Manpower Pool
  • Direct Field Recruitment
  • Website Sourcing
  • Radio & TV Job Postings
  • Job Fair
  • Distribution of Flyers
  • Newspaper Want Advertisements
  • Referral System
  • Job Posting at School Placement Offices
  • Public Address System

Trade Testing Process

Upon recruitment, GAIC performs the following:

Mobilization Capabilities

The success of a project depends to a great extent on the effectiveness of the mobilization program. In a manpower supply service contract, a properly planned and implemented mobilization program is essential in meeting the project  schedule.

We are cognizant of the constraints that are inherent to the project. Our programs are designed to accomplish all manpower related tasks in an effective manner. Once the worker is mobilized at site, GAIC keeps the worker’s morale high and boosts his productivity by attending to the needs of his dependents in the Philippines.

Our long and considerable experience in the supply of manpower for overseas construction projects provides us the means to successfully perform this program.

Manpower Reserve Pool

We always make sure that the manpower we provide is tailor fit for the job at a cost that is friendly to our clients.

In order for us to effectively supply the necessary manpower for our project, we maintain a data bank from following sources:

  • Project workers who have been temporarily laid off due to project termination.
  • Project workers who have worked with us before in some of our projects.
  • Workers whose papers have been processed and have undergone initial trade testing.
  • New recruits.

Recruitment Network

We maintain a nationwide recruitment network situated in key cities all over the Philippines. Each center is manned by competent personnel and task to perform varied activities from manpower sourcing up to readiness for dispatch level of every worker required in our overseas projects.

Our recruitment forces have varied field of expertise and specialization that caters all industries.

GAIC believes that a highly skilled worker in an overseas project is as good as the agency that placed him there. That is why GAIC employs every possible means at its disposal to make sure that the worker GAIC sent abroad is a worthy representative. GAIC guarantees that the worker is quality tested, controlled and thoroughly briefed on the details of his assignment. Once the worker is mobilized to project site or country of work, GAIC keeps the worker’s morale and boost his productivity by attending to the needs of his dependents in the Philippines.

In a manpower supply service contract, a properly planned and implemented mobilization program is essential in meeting the schedule.

Our long and considerable experience in the supply of manpower for construction projects provides us the means to successfully perform this program.

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