Our Affiliates
Equipment Engineers, Inc. (EE) is EEI’s main trading company. EE has expansive product lines covering industrial equipment and systems to serve varied groups in the construction space: heavy industries, oil and petroleum companies, manufacturing enterprises and other construction firms
EEI Power Corporation (EEIPC) owns and operates a 15MW Peaking Plant and owns investments in Renewable Energy power projects. It also offers power-related products and solutions and looking at various energy storage solutions and technologies.
EEI Realty Corporation (EEIRC) develops and sells housing developments. The company also manages the different real estate properties of the group. The company is currently working on various housing solutions.
EEI Construction and Marine, Inc. (ECMI) offers construction and repair of VCR Storage Tanks, Tank Cleaning & Degassing, Tank Relocation and Dismantling, Construction of Gas Service Stations, Fabrication of aboveground and underground steel tanks, Piping, Structural and Civil Works.
JP Systems Asia, Inc.
JP Systems Asia Inc. (JPSAI) is a partnership between EE and two Japanese companies, KYC Machinery and Sansin Sangyo. The company is engaged in sales and rental of Scaffolding and Formworks products.